Sunday, 16 October 2016

Types of Film Openings

Titles on a Blank Screen

Having titles on a blank screen is known as a budget, simple title sequence. These types of titles involve different typefaces usually white on top of a black background as the two colours together have a high contrast. This type of title can give different effects to a film, such as an old fashioned, classic or authentic look to a film.

Titles on Still Image

This style involves having text with a visual image, this can make a title more visually appealing. This kind of sequence is more elaborate than using white text on a plain black background and also requires using different media to achieve the style.

Titles over Moving Images

Titles over a series of moving images can be simple of intricate. For example, images could be of a series of clouds moving. Normally there isn't any dialogue and the images don't mean anything until later on in the film.

Titles using Animation or Motion

Animating text became more and more popular starting in late 1990's.
My favourite type of title sequence is Animation because it's simple with bright colours and reflects the film. It also reflects a style of art.

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