Film: High School Musical 2.
Genre: High-school.
- Non-diegetic sound: Piano playing at the beginning, soft. Creating a nice calm atmosphere. Camera shows the school before everyone arrives.
- Diegetic/dialogue: The teacher is teaching the class and speaking about the summer homework they must complete during summer.
- Diegetic sound - Pens tapping on the table as the class start to get impatient waiting for the bell to ring for summer. The sound is like a ticking clock in our head, hearing the the speed of the pen tapping against the table also shows how agitated and impatient the class is getting.
- Sound motif: The sound of the clock ticking is getting louder and is slowly starting to over power the teachers voice. Implies a countdown/impatience as the time for summer is near.
- Diegetic/dialogue: The whole class sigh as the class nerd asks more questions. The sound shows the frustration of the class.
- Non diagetic then Diegetic: One by one each member of the class starts to say Summer as the camera is on the clock ticking then it moves to the pupils saying summer as the time is near.
- Diegetic: The clock rings and everyone throws their papers in the air.
- Score: A song written and sang for the film in particular. Song name: ' What time is it, summer time '.

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