Monday, 10 October 2016

Blog Analysis -Maia Set 2 -group 8

Previous Student Blog Analysis

All the blogs that i looked at were amazing and i hope our end blog looks as good as they do however the one blog  that stood out from the rest was Maria's blog, Set 2- Group 8. altogether they had a total of 55 blog posts but maria had 90 labels on her own. In each blog post there is a lot of detail and each point is well explained and backed up with evidence. throughout the blog there are many different ICT such as Youtube, Vimeo and Premiere pro. the blog is very easy to navigate and it is easy to know who wrote each blog. It is well presented which means that they have spent alot of time on it and it wasn't rushed. i particularly like the background picture as it relates to their project idea. i like that each blog post leads on from the last one, they all link and there are no gaps in the project sequence. i also like that there was no one person just being the consistent blogger. there was multiple contributions from the whole group, and the grade awarded was a team effort grade.


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