Saturday, 29 October 2016

Analysing Sound in a Film Opening

Film: Up (2009)
Genre: Animation

This Film has been one of the most iconic animated films made in the past decade due to its amazing and unique opening scene. During the scene there are many different uses of sound that are all brought together to create an enjoyable experience for the audience.

Ambient Sound:- There is not much ambient sound used in this opening scene apart from the beginning where most of the sound comes in. We can hear the background noise whilst the wedding guests start cheering although it may be hard to hear.

Non-Diegetic:- There are a couple uses of non-diegetic sound used in this scene for example, when the wedding guests start clapping and cheering we can see them participating in the action, also at the very beginning of the  scene we hear the flash of a camera and then we see it which is why we know where the sound has come from.

Song/Score:- Throughout the scene there is music being played which other that the sound in the beginning is the only other use of sound we hear throughout the scene.

Synchronous:- As mentioned before after the flash of the camera the music and the background noise starts playing at the same time and creates a happy and upbeat affect as there are different sounds coming from different places.

Sound Motif:- The music that is being played throughout the scene matches the emotions of the events going on. For example, when the couple is cloud watching and they find baby clouds in the sky the music is playful and happy, but when they are ijn the hospital room and the doctor has just given them some news about ot being able to have kids the music turns sad and dreary. it then goes back to having a kind of optimistic, thinking feel when they decide to start their dream of going to South America.

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