Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Feedback From Pitch

Following our pitch to the class we were given some feedback from both our teachers and peers on what they liked about our pitch and what we could do to improve it.

Feedback From Teachers:

  • Take pictures of your own of the places where we will be filming. 
  • Improve the production schedule by adding where, when and what we will be filming. 
  • Instead of showing some of the characters faces who would be older, just show below their face being as students we still look young.
  • Make sure to include pictures of all the areas we will be filming at

A Collection Of Feedback From Our Peers:

  • All members standing up and concentrated
  • Correct spelling mistakes on presentation
  • Be more upbeat when presenting

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Pitch feedback

  • Clearly presented, the story was understood clearly
  • Scene analysis was detailed
  • Inspiration from other films is clear and relatable with examples
  • The genre was clearly identified
  • Research into thriller for costume/props is visible and good.

What would make the pitch better:
  • add a little bit more detail on the slides
  • visit the locations and have pictures
  • explain more about the storyboard

Monday, 5 December 2016

Pitch evaluation.

3 targets that I will complete in response to our feedback:

  1. I will improve the production schedule.
  2. I will take pictures of the locations where we will be filming.
  3. Where more detail can be added on the slides, I will add.

Pitch feedback.

Feedback from peers:

  • Add more detail in slides.
  • Put the blog posts in order.

Feedback from teachers:

  • Take pictures of your own of the places where we will be filming. 
  • Improve the production schedule by adding where, when and what we will be filming. 
  • Instead of showing some of the characters faces who would be older, just show below their face being as students we still look young.